Sunday, April 10, 2011

Using Technology to help with my duties as District Deputy

During the orientation of the new District Deputies and Associate Grand Marshals on Saturday, we were supplied with a CD containing a digital copy of all required manuals, documentation, rules, regulations and protocols required for District Deputies to have possession of and be familiar with. In past years, this was supplied in paper form and was sizable. I'm extremely excited to see the Grand Lodge move in this direction for two reasons; it saves the Grand Lodge money and I can transfer the documents to handheld devices and not carry them around in massive paper form.

Today, I transferred all the documents to my iPad. Now instead of carrying around several books and storing them in the back of my car, I have my single digital device, which I carry everywhere. Woot!


Tom Accuosti said...

Now instead of carrying around several books and storing them in the back of my car, I have my single digital device, which I carry everywhere.

Another plus, which shouldn't be overlooked, is that by putting these documents on an iPad, or smartphone, or some other electronic device, is that the text becomes searchable. If you happen to be in a meeting and a question arises, you could search your documents for relevant terms in order to find the applicable rule or regulation.

Unknown said...

Very true Tom! I've already made use of this a few times. Searchability is critical!